The world of combat sports can be intimidating and even daunting for an individual to approach. For some, simply conceiving the idea of giving it a try induces nervous laughs and quick dismissal from the conversation. Further still, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu a combat sport that is primarily a ground-based martial art has been dominated by males, which may give additional pause to women thinking about setting foot on the mat.

Nevertheless, here at Diego Bispo Academy a new mindset is being bred. Mothers and daughters, wives, full-time career-oriented women, young college students and former athletes, females of all backgrounds are displacing previous notions of hesitation, and are uniting under the banner Guerreiras, the Portuguese word for warriors.

Each of us, male and female, has our own story, experiences, challenges, victories and defeats, some exclusive and others shared. The beauty of this diversity is that it affords us a variety of perspectives that when understood and learned from, can inspire, teach, and assist the rest of us in continuing our individual journeys more effectively.

Guerreiras is a five-part series that shares the unique perspectives of several DBA female warriors. Every profile introduces a new female BJJ practitioner in her journey through the combative art. Although each individual may be in a differing stage of life, with a variety of external obligations, struggles or challenges, and expectations they have found solidarity in coming together as group to build confidence, commitment, and community.

Check out what our Guerreiras have to say!